Based on the original Rats in the Cellar, by faile35. You can find the original here.
Demon's Due Fan Comic
Welcome to the "Demon's Due" officially unofficial fan comic. This is a fan comic based on the work of Jeff Fairboourne, aka "faile35", as he's commonly known on deviartART. You can find his devART account here:
"Demon's Due Fan Comic" Defined
"Demon's Due" is an on-going Dark Fantasy series based in a fictional setting Dernhelm. Most of the important occupations and political positions are filled by women instead of men. The series is told as a series of illustrations penned by the author himself, rather than as a comic or literature based story (that's where I come in). The series is about a group of women and their struggles against overwhelming odds.
Warning: Not Safe For Work.
The author's description of the original work:
Warning: Not Safe For Work.
The author's description of the original work: